Do you have great writing skills? Can you bake yummy cakes? Are you the fashion-guru of your girl squad? Then it’s high time you turned these talents in to money. On this special month dedicated for women, let’s talk business and how to run your own venture profitably. No matter what your dream is, follow these steps to become a boss lady in no time!
01. Begin from within
Make a list of your skills in a piece of paper, and match them with your passion. If you have a green thumb, think how you can start selling potted plants and herbs. Doing ‘what you like’ always helps you to perform better.
02. Opinions matter
Market research is mandatory in a business plan. You can do this by asking around if there is a real need for the business idea. If you are good at sewing saree jackets, talking with people around you will not only give a clear direction, but will also provide with some prospects.
03. Start simple
Remember, Rome wasn’t built overnight. Your business idea should start simple and then expand with time. All business giants had humble beginnings. Let your client base grow along with your industry expertise and experience.
04. Choose wisely
Instagram would be a great platform to make your name as a photographer, but for specialised ventures it would not give the same result. For example, if you offer content writing services, a small blog to show off your skills would be ideal than an Instagram page.
05. Stand apart
“How can I make my offerings unique?” is a question you should ask every day. Delight customers through small value additions such as colourful packaging or a handwritten card. Lady taxi drivers, add a daily newspaper or a refreshing drink on a few extra rupees, your clients will hail you every day!
06. Keep them hooked
Retaining a business is as important as its start. In most cases, the excitement decreases as the novelty wears off. For a wellness instructor, it is important to upload new content periodically in order to keep your audience hooked and to keep the hype going.
07. Collect goodwill
Did you know that it is five times more expensive to get a customer, than it is to maintain an existing one? The cheapest way to expand your audience is to let happy customers recommend you to others. A good caterer can always pick some leads through word-of-mouth, or in online terms, word-of-mouse.
08. Measure to manage
Yes, if you can’t measure it – you can’t manage it. A simple budget, a balance sheet draft will help you to get a clear idea of your income versus expenses, and help achieve your financial goals. What’s more, it will make you stay away from doing ‘simple favours’ or taking risks that lead to great losses.
Simple, isn’t it? Now it’s just a matter of rolling up your sleeves and becoming your own boss lady!